Moving Spirit

Spirituality in Southern Africa

Paul Weinberg

Mets & Schilt / Double Storey, 2006

ISBN: 978-177013-100-2

From the introduction: ‘My approach has been to allow the camera to narrate the journey of spirituality, following a range of events and rituals that in some way reflects the moving spirit running through my country and southern Africa. This is no attempt at an A-Z of religions in the region but rather a personal quest, documenting the spiritual practices I have chosen to connect with. Our country in recent years has been through a process of national healing, with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Hidden atrocities were brought into the open to reveal the truth, to heal, forgive and move on. I, too, with or without my camera, am part of a country trying to heal itself. In this journey I join millions of South Africans on a continuous pilgrimage beyond politics and platitudes … in search of the transcendent spirit.’

“My approach has been to allow the camera to narrate the journey of spirituality, following a range of events and rituals that in some way reflects the moving spirit running through my country and southern Africa.”

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